H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 (Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy)
Demonstration of planning and technology tools for a circular, integrated and symbiotic use of water
The overall objective of the Project Ô of providing stakeholders (everybody using or regulating the use of water in an area) with a toolkit that enables them to plan the use of and utilise the resource water whatever its history and provenance, obtaining significant energy savings in terms of avoided treatment of water and waste water and release of pressure (quantity abstracted and pollution released) over green water sources. This overall objective will be demonstrated in up to five sites each in different Countries of Europe and in Israel, involving industries, aquaculture and agriculture as well as local authorities of different sizes.
Particula Group role in the project is mainly focused on dissemination and exploitation of project activities in Croatia and South Eastern Europe region as well as communication with national and local government authorities in the field of waste water management and environment protection.
Moreover, Particula Group will be engaged in planning of waste water facility in Croatia and sustainability assessment of selected technologies.
Project Ô will intend to demonstrate approaches and technologies to drive an integrated and symbiotic use of water within a specific area, putting together the needs of different users and waste water producers, involving regulators, service providers, civil society, industry and agriculture.
The project duration period is 48 months. In that time period 22 european participating countries and Israel will be working on achieving Project Ô’s objectives and to demonstrate how local, small loops of water management can be beneficial in alleviating the pressures over a water management system while allowing for a circular economy vision of the resource “water”. While demonstrating technologies and platforms, the project interfaces water resource and spatial planning and fosters social innovation for achieving co-creation and public ownership of the innovative approaches and technologies proposed.
Total Costs for beneficiary & third parties: 10.489.553,75 EUR
Max. EU Contribution: 9.261.272,38 EUR