SEIFA project – Value Proposition for Investees

SEIFA H2020 project – Value Proposition for Investees SEIFA (Sustainable Energy Investing and Financing Activation) creates incentives to increase private equity investing for industrial decarbonalisation of the built environment. At the SEIFA project our approaches are: 1. Putting investors first with an emphasis on the environmental impact and risk-adjusted return, 2. Sustainability at Heart –…

PROJECT Ô – Gospodarenje otpadnim vodama u tekstilnoj industriji – WEBINAR

  WEBINAR – PROJECT Ô – Gospodarenje otpadnim vodama u tekstilnoj industriji Tvrtke Galeb d.d. i Particula d.o.o. u suradnji sa Udruženjem tekstilne, odjevne i kožarsko- prerađivačke HGK, imaju Vas čast pozvati na sudjelovanje na online seminaru o gospodarenju otpadnim vodama u tekstilnoj industriji. Seminar se održava u sklopu Obzor 2020. projekta “Project Ô: demonstration of planning…